This was our friday...early fathers day cook.


Tony R

TVWBB 1-Star Olympian
Im home watching Friday night fights...

Maribel brings me my early fathers day gift.

Then tells me that dinner will be made by her so here is what she some asparugus and put in some sort of light batter.

Then into this bag.

Then she put them in a CI and lightly cooked them..

some mashed potatoes.

action some pork chops with a simple marinade. soysauce, olive oil, salt and pepper, chopped garlic and onion.

tonights music..

plated and ready to eat. pork chops with mashed potatoes and asparagus breaded.

Thanks for looking have a great weekend everyone
Looks like a good meal and the makings of a great evening! I have Google helping me out with Joe Bataan, he is new to me. It just might make my playlist tonight.
What a super early Father's Day meal. Nicely done Maribel! Tony, you are a lucky man. Enjoy your weekend.

