This may (or may not) be a good idea, but I would gladly pay for it.

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I have noticed in my past (computers and now Day trading), many people have asked me questions, sought advise etc about those areas in which I am knowledgable.

I alwasy was glad to share my experiences. Often, they wanted to pay me for the help, but I always said "no" because I liked seeing the lightbulb go off in someones eyes.

However, in my endeavors, I have always been willing to buy books, videos etc to further my knowledge (especially Day trading in which I should also have been buying books on Insanity /infopop/emoticons/icon_smile.gif ha ha ). Shorting the learning curve translates into faster success.

This web page is probably one of the most specialized and thus informative web pages I have ever come across. And that is a result of quite a few experts (I wont mention all the names like Chris, Kevin, Vancouver (beer drinking) Dave, Stogie etc) as I do not want to forget anyone that contributes on a daily basis.

As a result of the available written expirtise, my idea is this. Creat a video (or series of videos) about this WSM process. The videos could cover the main areas of most interest...process for cooking BRITU's, Butts etc, process for starting up WSM, Modifications, Most popular recipe making (just like Emril shows us on tv /infopop/emoticons/icon_wink.gif ), How to clean the WSM, and I could go on and on.

There may be (and probably are) videos on sale already...but this is the web page we really trust and where we find the experts using the same tools we do.

Now, it would not be entirly easy, nor would it be Dolby Digital or TFX quality.. but who cares? We could see it in live action and follow along. You could possibly make a series of tapes...beginner setups (buying necessary components, putting "Black Beauty" togeather, how to insert probes, handles etc). Then possibly a tape on "how to prepare and cook a brisket (God knows I need that one as long as you put in signs not to play golf at the same time etc and how to assure door is in locked position etc), with how to cook ribs, Butts, how to cut the fat off briskets etc..... maby a tape on Favorite receipes the Gurus on this web use etc.

When (for example) Chris finsishes his part, possibly he could send the tape to Kevin (Stogie) to add on that subject matter etc.

Would I (and others pay for a tape of this caliber (subject matter, not Picture quality). You bet! I (and I bet others) would gladly cough up bucks for something like this.

Would it be hard to schedule in to produce? I really do not think so as you guys are cooking all the time, so you would just need your better half to hold and shoot the camera at you (not a 357 magnum /infopop/emoticons/icon_biggrin.gif ). Or, a tripod...

Duplicating might be a problem and other than going to Kinkos or something like that, you might need a two recorders (but they are really cheap now).

Could you "test the market place" for perceived demand? Yes, I think you could...just ask the question. In fact this thread may (or may not) indicate the praticality of this idea. And it would not bother me if everyone says it is a stupid idea... I would rather have 8 stupid ideas and 1 good one than to have no ideas at all.

Well, there you have it... I don't know but what do you all think.

Let me close by relating a TRUE story. Two married couples were playing cards one day, and at the lunch break, they made hamburgers. One of the wives casually mentioned she probably could make a hamburger 100 different ways. The "all knowing cocky" husband said "no way" and bet her she could not come up with 100 hamburger receipes. Long story short... she did, the husband lost the bet. But then he said "hey, lets see if we can put these in a pamphlet and sell em".. They did just that...and to their total shock and delight, over the years they made over $1,000,000.00 (thats right folks over a million dollars) selling the Pamphlet (turned to book etc). You can probably still buy it on Amazon.

Am I saying you are going to make a million dollars? No, I am not saying that. I am only relating (really it is true) the story to show you how people will gladly pay for knowledge. Think about it.

And now, I can go back up to the mountain top, with my long white robe, sit down, drink La Batts Blue beer, and wait for others to gather at my feet to ask my advise about the praticlity of Playing Golf and assuring how to keep the door closed at the same time they cook their first brisket.

Bob Wagner
You now that is not a bad idea. I check this site at least two times a day,always trying to pick up more information on using the WSM. /infopop/emoticons/icon_smile.gif
Right now, I'am still learning new things everyday.

The idea of videos,in my opinion would help new members and maybe some of the older members. I say that because every day is a learning expericence,and one picture is worth a thousand words just think what a video could do.

I'am pretty sure I would grab one or two /infopop/emoticons/icon_razz.gif

Norm Calhoun
Robert it's funny you should mention this. I have been a TV production and news cameraman for toooo mannny years. I also have thought about this and how it would be a great thing for the site and have volunteered to Chris because of all the work he puts in. Funny how great minds...I mean, fools never ...whatever.
I plan on doing some downloadable process videos and making them available for free here on the Web site. How to butterfly a chicken is already online.

I've tossed around the idea of a book, but no plans as of yet. I'm not sure what the point would be of doing one if I were to just repeat material that's already offered here on the Web site--for free!

Yes Chris, information is on the web... all of it. But herein lies the problem. Information on the web is so voluminous that it is sometimes difficult to to assemble in a consise, straight forward "roadmap". That is where a "Dummies Guide to Smoking and BBQ" might be marketable.

However, there is software out there that can record streaming audio and video that others can download.

Additionally, there is software that allow hundreds of people (in my case, fellow Daytraders) to have a chat room moderated by one or more people. Something like that could be used to have a "group" E-meeting to discuss BBQ. In the chatroom environment, it is like having someone right beside you talking and allows anyone to also talk so othere can hear.

These forms of technology have taken the computer to a higher level. I have seen and used various forms of these technologies in my "Daytrading" vocation - and they work remarkably well.

They might (come to think of it) be an easier way to distribute more information faster than typing it.

And now, back to the mountain top with my long white robe waiting to tell all that will listen the pearls of Golfing and WSM'ing with Black Beauty if you are a novice.

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