Thermoworks Big Reveal Tomorrow

Seems like they are using capacitors rather than regular rechargeable batteries. Fast recharge capable but will probably self discharge quickly when not in use. Not a big deal in this case since it only needs 10min charge for up to 50hr use.

Hopefully they use standard wall warts or diffentiate between their proprietary charger and a standard USB wall charger. I’ve already tried charging my signals twice with my standard usb outlet and didn’t realize it wasn’t charged as expected. Signals and bellows have 12v chargers with USB-A output - very easy to forget and plug into phone charger

Good decision to use 433mhz frequency - I assumed they might use 900mhz
Better penetration and distance but at expense of lower bandwidth - but how quickly do you really need to refresh temps?
When I was speaking with the people at Chef IQ I asked them about the battery thing. They told me the battery is positioned to be deep inside the food so as not to see the intense heat of the cooking appliance. Which makes sense now
Probably not a good idea to just stick it in the grill to measure ambient temps without it being inserted into something then.
Probably not a good idea to just stick it in the grill to measure ambient temps without it being inserted into something then.
Yeah. actually, there is actually, a warning that comes up that says warning probe over heated. That is how I found out, because I called the company and they told me that warning is there to let you know the probe is not far enough into the food

