Thermometer Question

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Mikey F

New member
Okay I just started a brisket, and earlier today I tested my regular thermometer that I have in the lid of my other Weber, using the boiling method, I found out the damn thing never got above 150, ohh well, and the only other thermometer I had was my Polder clone. So I tested that one, and it was about 5 degrees off, not bad. Now the main question, can I use this as my dome thermometer to judge temp, I set it up by drilling a hole in a cork and sticking it in the top vent, so far the temp at the lid is approx 250 to 260. Will this damage my probe?
Your probe should be fine. They are usually good up somewhere near 300*. I have a Tayor digital probe therm and I have used it in the same fashion and it is just fine.
Yeah I been using my Taylor or Polder probes for measuring dome temp at the vent and have had working probes for over a year now that have lasted. But I take extra care of them.

I just picked up a Maverick ET-73 remote probe thermometer. It measures the temp at the grill, and in your meat. Not to mention it's remote. This means you can check the exact temp where your meat is cooking at plus the current internal temp without opening your smoker, or even better, without even going near your smoker. Seems like cheating, I know!
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