Thermocouple/thermistor probe and where to buy?

I have the waterproof ones. Not a single problem in a little over a year now - which includes indoor oven cooks. Of course I also take care of them, meaning I don't use them in the rain (since I don't bother smoking then) and when I wash them I don't submerge them in water.
OK, good to know, thanks. That one looks to have a different waterproof design, having the probe housing kinda crimped into a thread like configuration rather than having the bead around the connection. If it works to keep out moisture that may be a plus for those who pass their probes through a hole in the shell of their smoker, cause it will fit through a smaller hole than the probes with the bead. That probe also seems to be a high heat model, rated up to 700f.
I love the TW Pro Probes and find them very reliable and durable, but if I had to list the negatives I would say their top end temp is a bit low (even on the "high heat" model I believe it is in the 500's), the bead is kinda large which may be a PITA on some grills, and the cables are kinda short (though I prefer them short because they reach my RD fine and shorter cables = less tangling)
I did end up getting the ET-732 probes from Amazon. They work perfect. The plug/pin is not too long. Works fine.
I did notice some fluctuation when handling the cable with my hands. I may try adding the ground wire (seen in a thread that I can't find right now) from the braided cover to the ground pin.

