Thermapen One - Red 25% OFF!


Jon Tofte

TVWBB 1-Star Olympian
Best price I have seen on the new Thermapen One - the name brand of choice, and understandably so. Only applies to the red color.



Might be the best price on the Thermapen One you will see, and red is a popular color.
I'd be curious to know what colors people choose.

I have red for kitchen and yellow for grilling outside.
I only broke down and bought a Thermapen One when they had a site-wide sale that included the special edition one. One thing I just personally don't like as much about the Thermapens is that they look kind of bland to me. I know many would disagree and not like the style of my favorite ThermoPro TP-620:


To each his own, of course. But, I DO like the Operation BBQ Relief version which brings some lively graphics to the Thermapen One. Also, I have already been a supporter of OBR, so I liked that my purchase helped them, and maybe even will promote OBR as well:

Thermapen One BBQ Relief Edition.jpeg

