Thermapen One 25% OFF - Again!


Jon Tofte

TVWBB 1-Star Olympian
The Thermapen One is certainly a first-class instant read thermometer. I think $5.00 gas and clouds on the economic horizon may be making it hard for Thermoworks to move many of them at its regular over $100 asking price. So, here's another 25% off sale if you have been staying on the sidelines thinking about it:

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Based on emails I get from some BBQ places whose lists I am on, I would say that the economy is already affecting many companies. GrillGrate, for example, has been offering various special discounts back-to-back. Thermoworks competitor ThermoPro has been as well. These used to be spaced out much further apart.

Whether this will also impact parts on Amazon, etc. remains to be seen. So far, they seem to be going UP in price. I would think this reflects rising material and shipping costs.

