The Worst BBQ Recipe EVER


M D Baldwin

TVWBB Super Fan
I saw this on another website and wanted to share. it is From the Kraft Foods Magazine.
Latest issue has a recipe for "speedy saucy ribs". Short version: cut 2 racks of bb ribs into 2 rib bone pieces. Put in microwave with 1/2 cup water for 10 minutes. Discard liquid and fat, Brush ribs with Kraft BBQ sauce, then grill at medium heat for 10 minutes. Is this how they make a McRib?
Gee, why do we bother w/ things like the BRITU? I bet the use a quart of starter fluid to get the coals flaming.
Thank all of you for having an interest in improving our palates and hence the quality of our dining experience.
Wow, for a minute I thought you were talking about my recipe for ribs

Actually, after about 6 hours in the WSM, my ribs aren't bad - just like everyone elses!
Many Americans do not exactly have sophisticated palates. Many wouldn't know the difference between eating championship Q and eating the worst Q ever.
Actually, my wife prefers Kraft sauce to mine. You talk about a spouse driving you crazy! But even with that flaw, I'm going to stick with her. (Of course maybe my sauce is the worst sauce in the country-but I like it),
I get that same magazine sent to me for free. There are a few recipes I have seen that look pretty good. They are usually the desserts!

But that rib recipe! Yuck! And did you see the picture of the ribs? They were the color of dog food, and didn't even look tasty. As far as Kraft BBQ sauce. I had the chance to taste it about a month ago. That stuff isn't fit for a dog! Ketchup is better than that stuff!
And to think, I,ve been doing it wrong all along. Thank you Kraft for setting me straight. Now I will have more time to taste the rest of there crappy products.

