The Weber Summit solves all my cooking problems


John Ford

Forget about the price!
It really is a neat cooker!
Solves many of things about ceramic Kamodo's that bother me.
1) limited capacity, with the expander shelf & 24 in grate will smoke the same amount as a 22 WSM
2) weight & inability to move, roll around on performer cart.
3) ceramic being fragile , & prone to crack.
3) ease of use , propane lighter & ome touch ash system.
4) save money by using on sale Kingsford :rolleyes:
5) better searing, charcoal grate adjustable for searing.
6) where to put the bodies, I swear if one more person comes on my deck which has a Old New Braunfels smoker, a restored Weber Genesis 1000, a WSM & an Akorn & says I thought you were into outdoor cooking but "YOU DONT HAVE A BIG GREEN EGG " I'm going to kill & bury them in my backyard :mad:
I'll be able to say "this is MUCH more expensive than a green egg !

If it wasn't so damn expensive I'd order one from firecraft sight unseen
I know what you mean, if I had not spent the time and effort tweaking the things I have and had a trunk of disposable income, I'd get one, it's pretty cool.

As an owner of two ceramic and one steel kamado, I highly recommend you "try before you judge" the ceramics. Regarding the Big Green Egg most cracking scenarios occur from either sudden extreme temp changes (for example, putting a chimney of super hot coals into a BGE in sub-freezing air temps - not likely where you are in Ms) or misuse (tipping over, loose fitting bands, or other user error). The most common sources of cracking in quality ceramic cookers are the firebox and firering.

Good thing is Big Green Egg customer support is great. One call, a few pictures, and a replacement part is either on its way to you or to your authorized local BGE dealer. And ceramic components are covered for a lifetime - something not even Weber does.

All that said......

I have a steel kamado (Bubba Keg) and it can do everything the BGE can do, and then some. The frame was designed so that the grill can be slid off it's stand and onto a trailer hitch for transporting and/or tailgating. Steel (obviously) is more durable than ceramic and can withstand a tipping over (or three). As someone else mentioned Weber has taken a step into a different customer base with the Summit Cooker. Given the price point the question is would people be willing to pick THIS over the other offerings in its range - and there are many. Only time will tell.
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It clearly is an impressive grill / smoker. I just wish it was at least 26" after all, 24" is a step up from 22" but it's also a step down from 26" kettle. I couldn't imagine my Thanksgiving day cook on a 24" heck I have to sometimes fire up a 22" and the 26" to get everything cooked all at once. I couldn't imagine having two 24" Not at $1.5K+ each *yikes*
I've been considering a BGE, they are always for sale on CL, and I figured I could try it out and resell if I'm not satisfied. I'm not considering any Chinese made grills.

