I'm slow to realize you started this blog. I really like what I see so far. Without a doubt there is a large body of knowledge out there among Weber gas grill users. Looking forward to future postings there.
I saw the cook off between the various categories of hot dogs. Very good! How bout putting up the various category winners against each other for the grand champion?
I saw the cook off between the various categories of hot dogs. Very good! How bout putting up the various category winners against each other for the grand champion?
Rather than eat them again (!) we'll summarize the scores across all divisions to get a sense of which hot dog is top-rated. Besides, the KCBS judging method is not comparative, it's evaluating each entry on its own merits, so in theory, having the same judges eat the same hot dogs a second time should result in the same scores as the first round of judging. In theory.