The updated case(April 2017) need a couple changes


John Bostwick

TVWBB Wizard
Just finished printing a top for a case, other then getting destroyed coming off my build platform, I found that it need a couple change, maybe a few more but I did not test the whole case yet.

No screw holes for the LCD. I liked them in the older case

The hold down for the LCD does nothing now. It was moved up to much and the edge of the lcd touches the edge of the hold down

everything else seems too fit perfectly and is a tad smaller then the cases I have been printing
You can always drill out the screw holes :v: I might bring them back but the problem is that they don't really fit because the cutout is 0.5mm further into the block which makes it almost tangent to the screw holes.

The hold down for the LCD, I am not sure what you're seeing there. It is in the same exact place. I just generated a model from before I made any of the bezel changes and the front edge is exactly 7.95mm from the back wall of the case, and given that the case is the same interior dimensions, it did not move. The height from the block area to the tip of the notch (vertical) measures out the same as well. It is 6.40mm from the edge of the cutout vs 6.90mm but that would just mean that the LCD can get closer to the grab notch now and engage it more. There's now 1mm of "slop" in the LCD cutout, back to front.

It is however by default 0.5mm less thick that it was (the distance between the back of the grab notch and the back wall reduced by 0.5mm) if you used the new default wall=2.5mm thickness. That's inconsequential because it is just the thickness of the part, not where it mates with the LCD itself.

I've also printed 2 cases since the update and they both check out fine. The 1mm of slop is locked out by having the whole thing together and it not having any lateral movement. I've also grabbed the file off thingiverse and compared it to mine and it is the same. Maybe a difference in our parameters?
Just finished another top and around the buttons is now paper thin. I may need to play around with the customizer. I used a wall thickness of 2.6, since all my prints are at .2mm
Just finished another top and around the buttons is now paper thin. I may need to play around with the customizer. I used a wall thickness of 2.6, since all my prints are at .2mm

Wouldn't you want your wall thickness to be in multiples of your nozzle size? (0.4 for me), or are you talking about top and bottom thickness?
Wouldn't you want your wall thickness to be in multiples of your nozzle size? (0.4 for me), or are you talking about top and bottom thickness?

LOL, yeah it's .4mm, but thickness I'm .2mm. The wall thickness looks exactly the same as the old case. Just the button area is paper thin. I did not have time to post pictures here, but was blessed to send Bryan some pictures.
I think I may have just had a bad file. I redid the customizer tonight and the button area slices with 6 layers, so it should be ok now
Well that certainly is strange, but I am glad it wasn't a problem in the source. I'm putting the LCD screw holes back in I might as well ask if their size was alright for you? They are 2.5mm diameter which would be a little small for a 2.5mm screw given how plastic lays down. Should I expand them to maybe 2.7mm to make it a little easier to get a screw in or were they fine the way they were?
LCD screw holes are back in the customizer! Verified they are still in the same place they were before all the LCD shuffle.
John Bostwick, The PETG guy,

I have had a hell of a time getting good prints with PETG until I accidentally left the door open to my heated build chamber and WALA!, Much less "fairy floss" on the first few layers, and overall a really good print. Lesson learned? a printing environment CAN be too hot, ambient temp included.

Thanks for the settings you sent. It really helped.

You Da Man!
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