The smoke….is it about the wood, the bark? Both?


Rodger Benson

New member
Had this discussion with a fellow BBQer. Some folks seem to like charcoal for the heat and use Hickory bark for the smoke. Others seem to go with wood chunks, often with no bark on the wood,and other combinations

So the question for my esteemed fellows of the WSM Forum….what is the best source for that great smoke flavor? Wood, Bark, combination? Green wood? Dry wood?
I do not remove the bark. Fist size pieces and sometimes I will split those finer. Off set stick burners use splits and they have the bark on them.
as long as it's dry and mold/fungus free, I don't think there's much of a difference either way.
Hmmm, I use pecan from a lot next to my work and I've always taken the bark off. I figured it would put off a bitter smoke. Guess I will have to try it with it on since it's a pain to remove, at least the way I do it
Hmmm, I use pecan from a lot next to my work and I've always taken the bark off. I figured it would put off a bitter smoke. Guess I will have to try it with it on since it's a pain to remove, at least the way I do it

We pay big $'s up here for Pecan. It comes with bark on and it's one of my favourite smoke woods.

