The lower grate.



New member
So I'm still new at the whole WSM thing, I have done two smokes so far. The first was 7 hour rib smoke and then a 14.5 hour pork butt smoke. So I haven't used the bottom grate yet and I was wondering when I do use it how different is the temp down on that one from the top one?
There's variables that come into play like wind, sun, and how much steam is coming off your pan. Generally though, the bottom grate can cook just as fast if there's mass in the pan like a ceramic pot base or such. Not surprisingly, it'll usually cook a little slower with water, and often even slower than that with an empty foiled pan. I just put the thicker cut(s) on top if I want all done at roughly the same time.
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Yep, Like Dave said, with an empty foiled pan, meat on the top grate will get more color, so I rotate mid-cook if cooking same cuts.


