The etiquette of gifting Q

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Keri C

TVWBB Wizard
I'm just curious as to how others do this.

A gentleman I work with is giving us a load of hickory for our offset log burner, sweet guy that he is. The WSM will probably get a few little chunks to nibble on, as well. /infopop/emoticons/icon_wink.gif Thus, of course, I'll be bringing him some smoked meat upon occasion. The family consists of him, his wife, and 5 kids ranging in age from 5 to about 14. I MAY be able to deliver while still hot, but more likely I'll be refrigerating it and bringing to him at work.

When you do this for someone, do you:

a) Also supply a favorite sauce/sauces, with a spiciness caveat? Send one sweet and one hot?

b) Send written re-heating instructions?

c) Go ahead and slice or pull (in the case of brisket or butt), or leave whole with instructions on slicing/pulling?

Just thought I'd see what other folks do...

Keri C
Smokin on Tulsa Time

I have done this often. It's the only way I can Q as often as I want, and not fill up the freezer!

I usually will deliver whatever it is cold, and vacuum-packed. I don't sauce in advance as that makes the packing somewhat messier. I cut slabs of ribs in half so they fit in a smaller FoodSaver bag (I'm cheap). I usually provide verbal, written, or emailed instructions on how to reheat and serve. If I have sauce and something to put it in, I'll send some along (if it's spicy, let 'em know.) If not, I'll recommend a couple store bought ones.

Other than that, you might make sure that they know that just 'cuz it's smoked doesn't mean that it will last any longer in the fridge than any other cooked meat. If they aren't going to use it in a couple of days, they should freeze it.

Rich G.
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