The dreaded grill fire


Brian Trommater

TVWBB Super Fan
I was cooking on my silver B gasser today and had the dreaded grill fire. I had cleaned the grill not long ago. I had cooked white wings a couple of cooks ago which where wrapped in bacon. I guess thats where the grease came from. Once these fires get going not much to do but let them burn out. I usually only use two burners but had alot to put on so fired up the 3rd. Was trying the salt thing on a ribeye. Also had green onions, yellow squash and lemons. I put everything on at the same time and was doing the normal 5 min one side and 3 on the other. I went back out 1 minute after turning everything to find the grill on fire. Got everything off. Lucky had a grill mit. The green onions where history. The steak was overdone and had the burning greese taste. The squash was actually good. I had put the number 5 sauce on it when I turned them. That sauce really worked on them.
I had the same problem a while back. I replaced the flavorizer bars and burner tubes and followed the burn in procedure, but never considered cleaning it out. After 10 minutes or so on full blast some of the gunk in the bottom ignited. I closed the lid and turned it off, which solved the problem. It was exciting for a moment, though.

Make sure you replace the drip pan if you use one of the Weber foil ones. The burning grease did a number on mine.
Oh man thats always fun! I have actually had it happen twice since getting my Genesis in March! The first one was a disaster! I cook on mine at least four times per week so it has a lot of grease and gunk build up. I also use a lot of marinades so that also contributes.

The first time, I was cooking pork chops and sitting outside with my brother. He said oh boy, your grill is smoking a lot. I look over and the temp gauge is pegged. I quickly opened it and found a massive fire burning in the grease tray. I instinctively threw water on it and overflowed the grease pan down below into the bottom of the grill, all over my rotisserie motor! After an extensive clean up, all was well. I took the rotisserie apart and cleaned it and that also still works fine. The pork chops were not good I didnt think but my brother still liked them! LOL!

The second time was on a Friday night grilling. I started pre heating with the intention of letting some of the build up burn off. I went inside for about 15 minutes and came back out to find the temp gauge pegged and fire spilling out the sides. The grates and grease pan were both on fire. This one was BAD. I quickly turned off the gas and closed the lid and it went out but it was pretty close to burning my porch up! Aside from some very minor scorchs on the outside of the grill, all was well on this one too, and I didnt even lose any food! LOL!

I now keep my grease pans and flavorizer as clean as possible to prevent these issues.
I have never heard of a tank exploding but we found out it does happen, this link is a neighbor on mine just a few miles away, he wnet out on the deck, lit the grille, closed the lid to warm up, went inside just for a minute and it exploded, not sure what brand of grille or tank, but they lost everything in a matter of minutes.
I always hated dealing with grease flare-ups on the gasser. I love how the kettle contains those flare-ups. I'm glad you're OK!
Like Nick's second time my fire was on a preheat. I fired my Silver B up to do some steaks and went to the driveway to help my son and his friends load a trailer. My wife came running out saying the grill was on fire. I went out back and the thermometer was pegged and black smoke was rolling out of the grill. I didn't lift the lid, figuring if I did I might make it worse. I just turned the gas off and left it burn itself out. Luckily, no damage. From that time on I keep the drip pan clean and the drip tray somewhat clean!!!

