The Afterbrisket


Jeff Fried

New member
With the help of you fine people and this wonderful site I am planning on smoking a perfect brisket this weekend (my first). My question is this: What next? Do I slather it with sauce and eat it with a fork? Do I chop it and make sandwiches? Shabu shabu? What are some of the favorite ingestion methods? (and what kind of bread/sauce?)
I always make a batch of Chipotle Mayonnaise and have horseradish sauce around and just slice it down and injest till i feel like i'm going to blow, then i eat some more and lay around in pain the rest of the night. No doubt in my mind why i'm overweight cause i don't no when to say when. It also makes great sammies to take to work. Chipotle mayo and or horeradish sauce and american cheese and you have an awsome lunch.
And point makes great chili or enchiladas if you're doing a packer. Chopped flat scrambled with eggs, roasted chilies, and onions topped with cheese and avo and wrapped in torts for Sunday a.m. burritos--great with Bloody Marys.
For leftovers, we just slice it thin and then pop it in the microwave for a few seconds until that fat is glistening, and wow! So good we mostly eat it plain. BUT...we also like it with horseradish, but not on bread or anything (same way we eat Easter ham around my house).

