thawing/smoking HUGE butt

  • Thread starter Thread starter Chris O
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Chris O

I just put a 14 lb butt in the smoker. I bought it at Sams. When I got it, it looked like there were 2 buts in the cryovac. After I got it I froze it. I put it in the fridge Tuesday (today's saturday). When I got it out to rub it, it didn't seem really thawed. I went ahead and put it in the smoker then started I thought I'd check here. Am I okay? Will it be done this week?
What a Butt! 14 lbs. Can't help. Butts around here don't git frozen, they git smoked. In the fridge for 4 days, I would assume it would be thawed out.
Assuming that you kept it on the smoker. How did it turn out?
What was the expiration date on the package? Cryovac can keep a long time without being frozen.
Speaking of freezing, how do people feel about freezing meat. I stoped freezing steaks because I could tell the difference when I grilled them. Is there much difference?
I was at a BBQ class, and one of the instructors said it was a good idea to freeze all our meat because the process of freezing expands the meat. When you thaw it, it contracts. When you then marinade it or what ever else you do to prepare it, it will more readily absorb what you are doing because it wants to reach that previously expanded size again. I always figured the fresher the better? I will look forward to seeing what everyone says on this one.
Sounds like another myth with no basis in fact, but I am no expert. The WATER in the meat expands when it's frozen, and then turns back to liquid when it thaws. I'm not sure how this makes the meat "want" to reach the previously expanded size.

You do have 2 butts in that package!!! They froze together and that is why they are not thawed completly.

Just think about this logically......the average weight of a hog at slaughter is 260 lbs. here in the US. That would mean your hog had to weigh over 500 lbs. That is NOT going to happen at a commmercial slaughterhouse.

I'm afraid only a picture will convince me otherwise.

Let us know!

Yep, I'm an idiot. When i went to check on them they had split in two. They cooked very well, I put them on at 7:00 pm and took them off at 11:10 (actually 12:10 with daylight savings). I have them in a cooler.

The temp when I took them off was about 190. When I first put them in the cooler the temp shot up to about 200. Now its around 180. How long can they sit, and is there a temp where I should get worried.
Hey Chris.....

NO you are NOT an idiot and you are also not the first one to do this! LOL

They sound like they are fine. They will keep for several hours IF...they are foiled and wrapped in towels. The danger temp begins at 140?. You DO want to pull these before they get too cool. Pulling gets a little tougher once they cool too much.

Congrats on the cook!
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