Thanksgiving Smoked Turkey Recap

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Art R

TVWBB Super Fan
Purchased a 21 pounder from the local market. Could not find a fresh one at that time, so I settled on an "enhanced" bird. Thought about brining the bird, but decided against it. I'll save that for a fresh/natural bird.

Thawed it in the fridge for 4 days and the day before cooking removed it from the package. Let it air dry in the fridge overnight (hoping to get nice skin texture).

7:40 am started one chimeny of charcoal. Added one chimney unlit in the ring of my WSM. All vents open 100%. Cleaned out the ashes before staring.

Assembled the cooker at about 8:00 and let the unlit coals get started for awhile. Left the lid off for about 10 minutes. Replaced the lid..went to get turkey.

Suprisingly, the lid temp when I came out with the bird was about 400 degrees. I had expected lower based on other posts. NOTE: I did not have the water pan in the WSM at this time (I was cleaning it inside the house).

Placed the water pan (no foil, water, just stock pan) in the chamber. Set the turkey on the top grill. Added 3 fist sized chunks of hickory to fire by laying them on top.

Now the turkey was at room temp for about an hour before going on the WSM. That helped raise it's temp a bit from the fridge temp. The one hour was not enough to start any harmful bacteria....I think.

Bird was on and lid down at 8:25. Cooker temps held steady for me. The WSM was in front of the winds...outside temps in the mid thirties. Temp range was 325 to 350. No problems at all with low temps. Did add charcoal at beginning of hour 3, but probably didn't need to since it was almost done.

By noon it was done with an internal temp at breast of 175 (kind of overshot...darn it). Took it off and let it rest for 25 minutes.

Wrapped in heavy duty foil, in about 4 layers. Wrapped in heavy towels and then into a warm cooler. 2.5 hours was still steaming hot and juicy...and lightly smokey...and I got compliments over and over.

Thought it was nice and juicy myself and next time I will really watch those temps...but I guess I thought it would take longer to cook.

Yum yum, gobble, gobble. Got another 21 pounder in the deep freeze for Christmas...or maybe New Years Day. I love the holidays! Thanks to all the WSM fans and especially Chris for putting up with us!

Glad to hear it was a success!! If you think that one was good, just wait until you try a brined bird!!! Give the little WSM a pat on the back for helping you make your Thanksgivig a success!!!
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