Testing Ribs



We all know the "tear test" or the "toothpick test" to see if ribs are done. I've got a couple of questions though.

If you really do overcook ribs do they still tear easily and pass the toothpick test?

What are the signs of overcooked ribs?


I would think that if you pick up a rack of ribs in the middle of the rack and the rack breaks as opposed to just bending then you're definitely heading toward the "overcooked" stage.
After doneness to the point the meat is tender and pulls cleanly from the bone, there is, in order:

"Falling off the bone" - Self-explanatory. Considered overdone by some, perfect by others.
"Fell off the bone" - Usually seen in ribs kept overly long in foil.
"Dry and tough" - Usually cooked without foiling, long past the point of tenderness, at too low a temperature.
I had "Fell off the bone" last weekend
and it was definitely because of overfoiling.

