Test your logic.

I got about 30 or so questions in before I said to myself why am I still doing this? Some questions are geography, some are old (I guess this could be considered logic) riddles, and then there are some speculation. With that said I was getting most but not all correct before I quit. So I guess I'll never know just how logical I am. :)
Just for grunts and giggles, I went through the whole stinking thing. I scored an 86%. Grand kids must have wore me out more than I thought today!
Like most such tests online it's far more a test of knowledge than of intelligence. The most intelligent person in the world doesn't necessarily know geography or art history. I got to the one about the two birds on a branch and gave up.
That's why I failed a lot of tests in school and have not taken tests since the 70s. The tests did not involve anything that I was good at.
A lot of the wrong answers you are likely to come up with aren't one of the multiple choices. The test could be much harder if the answers included the trap answers.

