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Darrell Hill

TVWBB Member
If my plan is to hold an item in foil, plastic wrap, or a combination of these and a cooler, should I be removing the item when the temp is still below the desired cooked temp? If so, does the type of covering and or length of time make any difference. At what point will the item reach its' maximum cooked temp and how much higher will that temp be?
I generally only hold butts and briskets in this fashion (I try to time ribs/chicken for very short hold times, if any.) In the case of butts and brisket, I will cook them to my desired internal temp, or doneness "feel" before I foil them. I have never measured or tracked the internal temps once foiled and coolered (unless doing it for extended times, and then only to make sure it stays over 140 for safety's sake.) Seems to work out well for me.

Rich G.
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