TVWBB All-Star
I did a pair of pork butts last weekend. I started them at about 4:40am, full charcoal pan (Minon method), 1gal of hot water in pan, about 40*f outside temp. I took some charcoal from the center of the ring and put that in my chimney starter, added more charcoal to my starter so it was about 3/4th full. I lit the starter, when it was ready I poured the lit over the unlit, put the smoker together, added the water, put both butts on the top grate and put the lid on( all vents open 100%). I was shooting for the 225-250 range, it took about 2.5 hrs. to get there. Now I KNOW it was cool outside, and I KNOW I had a Gallon of water in the pan(hot tap btw). And I KNOW I had about 11lbs of cold meat, but should it take that long to reach my temp range? I read a lot recipes from this site, and a lot of them say " use 20-30 lit coals to start your unlit", but that's just not going to hack it. Am I doing something wrong? or is it just a cold morning mixed with cold butt and water?
P.S. I got my 18.5" 1/31/13 first Weber! had about 8-10 cooks on it.
P.S. I got my 18.5" 1/31/13 first Weber! had about 8-10 cooks on it.