Temp Gauge for WSM?

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Denny Kyser

New member
How do you monitor the temp of your WSM, My Silver Smoker Offset I replaced the Cheap Temp Gauge with a good one and also moved it down to the grate level for a more accurate reading.

I understand the WSM doesnt come with a Temp Gauge. (mine will be here 15th) Do you use a Temp Gauge or just use a Electronic Thermometer in a potato or something

I am not sure if I want to drill a hole in my new WSM or not??
Chris gave you all the info with his post. I drilled a hole in my dome with my first WSM. Haven't considered drilling a hole in #2 or #3. I just use a tater and a Taylor.
I drilled a hole through the lid vent rivet as described in this site. I am pleased the results. A word of caution. If you do this use a sharp 5/32" steel bit since the rivet is quite tough. It is also important to use a piece of rubber inner tube when drilling to prevent the rivet from spinning. That's what I failed to do initially and had a very difficult time since the rivet just spun with the drill bit. The Weber thermometer (#9815) fits nicely in the rivet and it can be removed for cleaning when it gets too gunky. You can purchase this thermometer for $10.00 at Ace hardware, Lowe's or any other store that sells Weber products. Hope you enjoy your WSM as much as I have.
This site will get you on your way.
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