Switching to Sand

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Larry Wolfe

Closed Account
I am going to give sand a try tomorrow for my first Chuck Roast. I am hoping it will make clean up a little easier. The water gets kinda funky after a couple of days if you don't clean it.

For those of you who use sand what if any differences in the cook should I expect? I am going to use the Weber water pan, how much sand should I put in it? I was thinking maybe leave about 2 inches for the drippings?
Larry: I like it but...make sure you have good piece of foil on top. I have 'drippings' that have gotten thru into the sand...suspect will have to be cleaned (or changed) one of these days. This may not be an anomoly as I have seen others around the board mentioning it. But it still beats refilling the water or spilling it.

Susan: That might be the added spice you're looking for.
Tho I sincerely doubt it.
Looks like folks say to keep an inch or so (one said 1.25 inches) to catch the drippings.

And beware runaway temps.

Good luck and godspeeed.

Use Reynolds HEAVY DUTY aluminum foil to foil your pan. I criss-croos the pan, if you can visualize a clock face, laying one strip from 12 to 6, the other from 3 to 9. This should just about eliminate any chance of drippings getting into your sand.

Fill with sand, leaving 1 1/2 inches from the top, then foil.

Temperatures; you must control your temps on the way up, it is difficult to get them to come down when using sand. After assembling your cooker and adding your meat, watch your temps carefully and start gradually closing down your vents when your temps reach 200. Your rise will slow and eventually you'll have your vents set at the desired temp you wish to cook at.

I did ribs two days ago and held my grate temps between 225-230 for seven hours. Once you get use to using sand and adjusting your temps on the way up utilizing your vents, you'll never go back to water. GOOD LUCK!
<BLOCKQUOTE class="ip-ubbcode-quote"><font size="-1">quote:</font><HR> I'd try sand except, you know, I've got those CATS that hang around when I Q. <HR></BLOCKQUOTE>
Susan, that would kinda give it an "off" taste wouldn't it!

Thanks everyone for the input!
Like Bruce says Larry...it is more difficult to bring the temps back down once they have blown past the point where you want it. Other than that, I have found no difference!
After just a few cooks with sand, I have not looked back.

This transition is probably similar to those who bite the bullet and get a guru....
<BLOCKQUOTE class="ip-ubbcode-quote"><font size="-1">quote:</font><HR>Originally posted by Steve Petrone:
This transition is probably similar to those who bite the bullet and get a guru.... <HR></BLOCKQUOTE>How right you are Steve. My 1st few cooks were with water...Switched to sand because of the cleanup issue mainly and never looked back. Then along came the Guru...Never looked back. When someone switches from dial-up to broadband...They never look back.....
I filled my WSM water pan 2/3 to 3/4 with sand and topped the sand with an inexpensive aluminium pizza pan (the fairly flat kind with just a 1-2" slightly raised rim) to remain on top of the sand and to provide a drip-proof barrier in case of leaks in the foil.

Then I topped the pizza pan with a couple of sheets of HD aluminum foil. Most of the time I only had to replace the top layer of foil. It worked well for me.

When using sand is there any difference between the Brinkmann pan and the WMS pan? Do you use the same amount of sand or does the Brinkmann run hotter with more sand?
I've gotten some drippings in the sand when removing the foil without being careful enough.

I find it's no big deal, as the sand just clumps up the grease and you can pick them out whole and discard.

Sort of like that cat litter that does the same thing, right Susan?
<BLOCKQUOTE class="ip-ubbcode-quote"><font size="-1">quote:</font><HR>Originally posted by Doug Parizo:
I find it's no big deal, as the sand just clumps up the grease and you can pick them out whole and discard.

Sort of like that cat litter that does the same thing, right Susan? <HR></BLOCKQUOTE>ROFL!! Wiping the screen...Might need a new keyboard when it dries

Thanks Doug
Doug, that's why I use that cheap pizza pan as a topper for the sand. It makes a good, secure and solid base in case the drippings somehow get through that top layer of foil. You just can't see pinholes in the foil.

<BLOCKQUOTE class="ip-ubbcode-quote"><font size="-1">quote:</font><HR>Originally posted by Tony Serra:
When using sand is there any difference between the Brinkmann pan and the WMS pan? Do you use the same amount of sand or does the Brinkmann run hotter with more sand? <HR></BLOCKQUOTE>

Tony-- I have only used sand with the Brinkman pan, but I believe that the more volume of sand that the Brinkman holds would only make it more stable--not hotter. I was very hesitant to make the change, thinking that I would lose moisture, but as the old hats say, it doesn't make a difference, and the clean-up is so-o-o-o
much easier. Consider me another very happy convert.

Past discussions here have indicated that the volume of sand the standard pan holds is sufficient, and to fill a Brinkmann pan with sand is an invitation to trouble. YMMV.
I've never tried sand, so I have only used water...even with the GURU! Everybody said don't use water with the Guru but I do and it seems to work fine.

Nick P.
The Guru will obviously work with sand or water. While the Guru was designed to work with a quicker changing environement, ie foil balls or lined with foil sheets in the pan, it will work with a heat sink as well albeit, it will have to work a bit harder to get the temp up..I would think the air temp would overshoot a bit while trying to get the water/sand heat sink up to temp...Not to the point it would char the meat of course...Hmmmm...I'd like to see a temp profile on such a cook. Think I might just try that..Thanks Nick
I thought about doing one of those temp. profiles, but that would defeat the purpose of the guru....not haveing to sit and watch the WSM. I usually set it and go to work. Come home and dinner is done, kinda like a crock pot!

Nick P.
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