Sunday Smoke


chris comer

TVWBB Super Fan
4 AM here in Colorado, 6 AM on the east coast.
I'm sure that some of you guys over there are having your morning coffee and checking the board. Was planning on starting 2 8lb shoulders about 7 am, but as some of us "old guys" out there know getting up in the middle of the night to visit the john can ruin a good nights sleep. With that being the case I decided to fire up the smoker a few hours early. Came down stairs at 3:00 and managed to have the meat on by 3:30. My neighbors would think I'm nuts, to be out there fumbling around in the dark in the middle of the night. So they all will wake up to the smell of hickory in the air. Something to enjoy thier coffee by. Good Morning to all.
4:45 AM and she has pretty much settled in around 250. Since the sun will be coming up in another hour or so, doesn't really make since to go back to bed, maybe I'll fire up the coffee pot and make some breakfast. Guess I'll have to fit in a nap later this afternoon.
Chris, I love what you're doing! Up cooking in the dark while everyone else is sleeping. I don't think there's a more peaceful time of the day than seeing smoke rise as the sun rises........ahhhh.....
Chris, i'm "one of us ol guys", done the same thing several times. Sun coming up with
"smoke" rolling out the smoker is relaxing.
When I was in the Navy, the REV watch (0400-0800) was always my favorite out at sea or inport. When out to sea it was awsome to be out in the breeze on a quiet ocean as the sun came up. Hear the Boatswainamate (me) pipe reville (?) and then observe the sites and sounds of the ship as it comes alive for the day.
+1 on watching the sun come up with the smell of smoke in the air! Especially pork with smoke! Last year at Xmas I was visiting my folks down in Arkansas and I made a huge butt and a full packer on a side box smoker. I got up at 4:00am to start everything and my mom was yelling at me to go back to bed. Like a kid on Xmas morning I could not sleep for nothing all night. I kept waking up to only look at the clock. After 5 hours of that I said to myself I'm starting early. It was a great day with a couple hour nap! Enjoy. Vince
This happened to me this week. Tuesday morning my alarm went off at 3:45 (after being up till midnight) so I could put a brisket on for an office party. The sun is rising early here in Seattle this time of year so I ended up staying up all day. Not a bad way to start off the day.

