Sunday PSB (my fav) pt 1


Morgan C.

TVWBB Diamond Member
Evening folks...lots of sweet cooks this weekend! We took it easy today and decided to do up some pepper stout beef...been way too long and this stuff absolutely rocks! Started with a small chuck roast salt and peppered!

Started up the grill like this today!

And got the chuck going with hickory about 375 or so!

While that was smoking I made some smoked turkey soup from the remainder of my turkey from last weekend's sandwich meat cook..made a bunch of stock from carcus yesterday so this was good stuff!

Went out to check on the meat!!

And decided it was ready for the rest of the folks!

This was at about the 2 hour mark ...we foiled it up and let it go for a few more!

Back with more in a few!
Morgan..looks like your not the only one who made a pot of soup this weekend! Winter is just around the corner!! Great stuff!
Oops! I lusted for one of your PSB sandwiches before salivating over your turkey soup!
You're starving me Morgan!

