Summit C4 rescue, caster leg repair.



TVWBB Super Fan

Although almost everything in this nice old machine was decent and usable, there was one item needing urgent attention:
When moving it to my vehicle, the rear castered leg broke off completely at the level of the top of the caster insert, leaving one very short leg.
Yesterday we did a visual inspection of the frame and found no other issues. In most cases, we would look for a donor leg frame, but not so here.
I had searched without success for ideas on just repairing a leg, so here is what we did:

We cut the leg just below the floor of the lower compartment, and replaced it with a 4" section of 1-1/4" tubing left over from a previous repair, stiffening it with a 9" (could have been shorter) section of 1" tubing (also a leftover) telescoped inside., then all pieces were anchored with through bolts. We were able to get about 2" of overlap at the lower end of the insert, and a lot more at its top.
The all welded lower cross braces in this Summit made this approach practicable, do do the same on Gennys of this period would require the temporary removal of the lower frame support bolt, then drilling through the insert to allow its replacement.
Sorry for no pictures but a crude drawing is attached.


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Hank, I think that is a great and realistic approach. These rotted legs (from water trapped inside and generally gathering at the bottom parts of the grill) are one of the big issues with these 3rd generation Summits but also Genesis grills starting with the 300 series.

Rusty Genesis on brick.jpg
Another rusty Genesis 300 on bricks.jpg

Of course, older Genesis grills can also have this.

