Sugar in rub


Ryan P.K.

I have been noticing that lot of people are using Turbinado sugar in their rub. What is the difference between brown sugar and Turbinado sugar? Does it make the rub taste better? If you were to substitute it, is it a 1-1?
I have been noticing that lot of people are using Turbinado sugar in their rub. What is the difference between brown sugar and Turbinado sugar? Does it make the rub taste better? If you were to substitute it, is it a 1-1?

Turbinado sugar is less refined than white sugar. People use it in rubs because it does less apt to burn than white sugar. I have always used it and substitute 1-1.
Note that at typical barbecue temps sugar has no chance of burning anyway, so that rationale doesn't really hold. Turbinado is useful if you want larger grains (not so much for rubs in this regard; other stuff though). And it tends not to clump like typical brown sugar.
Note that at typical barbecue temps sugar has no chance of burning anyway, so that rationale doesn't really hold. Turbinado is useful if you want larger grains (not so much for rubs in this regard; other stuff though). And it tends not to clump like typical brown sugar.

Kevin - at what temps would you say sugar starts burning at? I bought a big thing of turbinado a little bit back because I thought regular brown/white sugar would burn (probably read it on this website). However, I'm almost out and if the difference is just large grains vs small, might stick with the cheaper stuff that is always on hand at the house.
I believe 350 and up is the burning temp for sugar....I read somewhere that you can keep your brown sugar from clumping by drying it in the oven......if you mix the new brown sugar with the salt for the rub and spread it out on a sheet pan and bake it at 170 for a while then it dries it good and it won't clump.
i use Turbinado. Not like i have had problems with regular white. But i really like coarse grind in any rub. Maby only a thing im stuck on but i think it makes a difference. Sure it can clump a bit but in an air tight jar and a quick mix before i apply that is not really a problem.
Make sure you let us know how that works out. I throw away so much brown sugar, because it ends up in a big lump.
No need to throw away that brown sugar , brother. Just put it in the micro for 30 seconds on low and it'll soften up again....or if you plan ahead , just throw an apple slice or a hunk of bread in with the sugar and in a couple days the sugar is soft and loose again. Hard brown sugar is actually dried out .
Cool! I'm going to give the microwave a try. I hate lumpy rub. :D

No need to throw away that brown sugar , brother. Just put it in the micro for 30 seconds on low and it'll soften up again....or if you plan ahead , just throw an apple slice or a hunk of bread in with the sugar and in a couple days the sugar is soft and loose again. Hard brown sugar is actually dried out .
I have been using the POURABLE brown sugar for some time - no clumping, same price as regular brown sugar. It looks like shrunken turbinado, kind of a course grind that is smaller than turbinado but larger than regular brown. Very easy to work with.
Proplem is, I am having a harder time finding it in stores. The last time I checked our local Wegman's is the only seller here...:(
I've had good success putting the brown sugar bag into a Ziploc freezer bag, squeezing out the air and keeping it in the freezer until needed. Seems to keep a long time without clumping. I've also use a slice of lemon which worked well.

