Striploin Roast - Any Suggestions?


James Harvey

Wife brought home a 5lb striploin roast. I feel like cooking since it's a nice fall day here. Does anyone have suggestions for prep/cook? I'm thinking of using a brisket like rub on the WSM around 250F and serving au jus.
Seems like it's simply crying out for kosher salt and freshly ground pepper!
Might've already cooked it by now, but I gotta mention Paul Kirk's recipe. I use to do this back when the stores would occasionally put choice sirloin tip roasts on sale at $1.99lb. Nowadays the sale price might be 2.99lb.

Anyhow, just season the roast all over with 50/50 garlic salt and lemon pepper. Smoke a little and start basting occasionally with melted butter after an hour, being careful not to cook past medium rare by using a temp probe.

We'd get out the meat slicer and make sandwiches on kaiser rolls with some grilled or sauted onions. That's pretty good eating, especially with a slice or two of homegrown tomato, a little good horseradish sauce, and a splash of Stubb's bbq sauce.

