Storage question



Since joining this forum I have gone from owning one Weber to owning three! See newest addition here
Problem is I've now run out of space in my shed. I can only fit in two.
Most recent addition is the Mastertouch and it came with a Weber cover. So what I am thinking is I continue storing my WSM and compact kettle in the shed and I have a little gap between the shed and garden wall where I could store the Mastertouch with the cover on. I'd probably fix a hook to the wall and put a chain round it to discourage opportunists. But I also live in Manchester which is one of the rainiest cities in the UK!
Have had a look on the main Weber bullet site for the storage FAQ and this seems ok but wanted any advice on storage and if you guys think this sounds ok as a plan?
I agree with Bob but,I’d take it one step further, remove the ash pan and turn it over when not in use. Even closed and empty you may get seepage under the cover which will follow the contour of the kettle and dr into the pan and be a mess later.
I often seem to forget that simple little trick and then cleaning the pans gets “unpleasant”.
Since joining this forum I have gone from owning one Weber to owning three! See newest addition here
Problem is I've now run out of space in my shed. I can only fit in two.
Most recent addition is the Mastertouch and it came with a Weber cover. So what I am thinking is I continue storing my WSM and compact kettle in the shed and I have a little gap between the shed and garden wall where I could store the Mastertouch with the cover on. I'd probably fix a hook to the wall and put a chain round it to discourage opportunists. But I also live in Manchester which is one of the rainiest cities in the UK!
Have had a look on the main Weber bullet site for the storage FAQ and this seems ok but wanted any advice on storage and if you guys think this sounds ok as a plan?
Beautiful looking Weber family you have there. I would also advise getting a good waterproofing spray (Like is used for spray treating hiking books, working as a water repellent) and give the cover a good coat or two all over. Just reapply every year or two.

My WSM lives outside in its cover and does fine, but it also is on a covered porch. Still gets wet, but it is more sheltered.
Beautiful looking Weber family you have there. I would also advise getting a good waterproofing spray (Like is used for spray treating hiking books, working as a water repellent) and give the cover a good coat or two all over. Just reapply every year or two.

My WSM lives outside in its cover and does fine, but it also is on a covered porch. Still gets wet, but it is more sheltered.
Thanks Brock that is an excellent suggestion. I have some lying around somewhere which I've used on a jacket. Will put on my to do list.
Flip the mid section over on the WSM and water won't find a way in.
I keep my 22.5"WSM on the side of my garage like that with a cover and never uncover any surprises when going to use it.
I leave all my Weber cookers (Genesis propane, 2 WSM's, and a kettle) covered and on my patio all the time. For the winter I place a
large plastic garbage bag over the WSM's, and then the cover on top of that. It prevents any rain or snow from
getting to them. For over 20 years never had any negative results from this.

