The Stoker log is still serving me well. I can't tell you how much I appreciate all the time and effort you have spent on this project. For this reason I feel especially bad about suggesting another enhancement. But I will anyway, here is what I had in mind. Today I am doing a picnic ham, first time so I don't know what to expect in the way of temp shelves, cooking times and temps and other how to's. But I had to do something after I stated the cook that I do very seldom and do with a great deal of trepidation. I had to go the Wal-Mart. It's over now and I'm all right for now, but I may have nightmares later. Anyway, I was thinking as I stood in Wal-Mart, that I sure wish I knew how my stuff was doing. I had the alarms set, but you know what they say about inquiring minds. SO I thought it would be a good idea, for the stoker log to send me a text message every (x) minutes with a report on (currentControlTemp/setControlTemp,currectProbe1Temp/setProb1Temp, etc, etc, stability/avg) usual stuff that you look at when you view the app. You could let the user choose notification interval, (15,30,60,90 minutes) use the same URL as the other alarms, but no on computer alarm, just the email alert. You would need to send more data. I have the asp script and have modified slightly from what I received before, and would be happy to modify it further and share the URL with others.