I made some changes to my timer program. It now looks at the stoker via HTTP, retrieves the value of each plugged in temperature probe, then send the values via email or cell phone text message, at a regular interval selected by the user. I have a country ham in the smoker now and will be heading to the golf course at noon. This should be a good test. If all goes well, I'll release it to the forum. It's not made to take the place of your software, I could not possible duplicate that, but it will run at the same time without interference.
This is the message with one probe attached:
Other Alarm: TIMER
Time = 9:23 AM
From IP:
I made some changes to my timer program. It now looks at the stoker via HTTP, retrieves the value of each plugged in temperature probe, then send the values via email or cell phone text message, at a regular interval selected by the user. I have a country ham in the smoker now and will be heading to the golf course at noon. This should be a good test. If all goes well, I'll release it to the forum. It's not made to take the place of your software, I could not possible duplicate that, but it will run at the same time without interference.
This is the message with one probe attached:
Other Alarm: TIMER
Time = 9:23 AM
From IP: