Stocked up


Joel Goodwin

New member
Stocked up for the rest of the year....yep, 480lbs. Love the sale every year!!

Joel, how long do you suppose that'll last ya?
24 Twenty pound bags...

I have 20 fifteen pound bags from the Walmart sale and about 55 thirteen-point9 pound bags from Home Depot's sale weeks before Walmart's...
Someone told me i got enough to last until the summer of 2013.
butt you never know.
I bought quite a few at Lowes this past weekend at $9.99 for double 20's. Walmart and HD were out of stock as usual.
And I too use between 10 and 15 pounds of charcoal a week, some weeks more, some a little less.

Do you have a fork lift truck at home? How did you manage to get the pallet moved around? Just curious.

Embarrassed? Did I say embarrassed?

I hang my head in shame.

I need to change my ways

Course, I only use (briqs) for the smoker. I use gas otherwise (hey, it's still a weber).
I used 320 lb last year. After the sales, I've got 320 lb in the garage not counting a few bags of lump. Should be just about right.
Joel, where did you get your supply at? I noticed that HD did not have their sale on 2x20 but instead on 2x13.9
I've stopped keeping track of how much I use. One year I had a spread sheet going and from April 1st until June 30th I used over 400 pounds. Right now the bunker has 17 bags of 16.6 pound and 8 bags of 13.9 pound Kingsford along with 3 10 pound of lump.
This pile is the result of the Memorial Day sale at Lowes. 24 20lb bags. I go stock up every year. This year Lowes had the better deal in my opinion.

Jim, 400lbs from last year lasted almost a year. Im hoping to get about the same out of this pile...BUT...I didnt have my WSM last year at this time either!

Ray, Unfortunately I do not have a forklift...I asked the guys at Home Depot last year if they had an extra pallet. They were nice enough to give me one. I just load up the charcoal and move it from the back of my truck to my basement via a wheel barrell. took me 5 trips this year...

HOpefully I'll have some shots of some of this charcoal in action soon!

I got 4 of the twin packs from HD. I figure that, plus my 100lbs of reserve stock should get me to July 4th and he next sale.

While not as big as that stack,I have more charcoal on hand right now than I normally do. A local grocery store had the 16lb bags on sale for $4.50 a bag,limit 2 bags. I bought my 2 and used a friends loyalty card to get 2 more. Plus,I went to Lowes and got a twin 20 Lb-er for $9.99. I cooked a butt and a brisket for smoke day,and I cooked 5 butts for our best friends youngest daughter wedding last weekend(she requested Phil-b-cue!). I still have 4 1/2 bags I think. Still,a lot more than I usually keep on hand!

