Stir fry Sunday!


Morgan C.

TVWBB Diamond Member
My wife found this wok at a garage sale for 2 bucks so I thought we would give it a shot!
Here is the goodies! Sirloin and veggies and some home made stir fry sauce!
Oops too much sesame oil!!!Almost lost my beard!
Meat on!

Meat off and veggies on!
Everything back in and added the sauce!
And plated with one of Alaska's finest!
Like I said! Real simple and real good! Best stir fry I have had in a bit!

Thanks for looking! Have a great week!
Nice job Morgan. I think cooking on the wok is a fun think to do. Did you see my wok stir fry post on here under Vintage Sequoia? I think once someone cooks out using a wok on the grill, it will be a regular event for them. Easy and effection and great tasting!
Thanks for the great replys! Was a fun cook and the new wok worked great!

Jeff I did see your earlier stir fry cook! Although I don't have the super cool cooking equipment you do(I love that sequoia grill) I agree it was super fun and hopefully I can make it a routine!

John.. I got the sauce recipe here (hope the link works)

The site is called "Family" and the sauce is super good and easy! Hope ya like it!

Take care!
Superb looking Stir fry Morgan! I have a tendensy to se some flames aswell when i bring out the wook.

