still going!!

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Well my 2 butts have been on hte WSM for 17hrs now. 7 lbs. each. Top one is at 193 just about ready to take off, llower one is at 185..should hit 190 soon. Gonna foil them and then go to sleep. I'll pull them tomorrow.

Well they are off. 17 hrs almost on the dot. 200 deg. I could barely lift them, they about fell apart in my hands. Cant wait to eat them tomorrow! I hope i can still pull them tomorrow after what remains of the fat hardens again. I mighthave to pop them in the oven for a few mins..we'll see.

i've never left a butt on long enough because this one is so much softer and i can tell it will be much more pullable already.

They are foiled and in a cooler now. In about 6hrs when i wake up i'll pop them in teh fridge!

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