Steve from Massachusetts



New member
I’m Steve. 39 year old father of two and husband to my beautiful wife. I have a e330 Genesis, an early 2000’s Performer, and a Smokey Mountain. They’re all 10 plus years old and still in great shape. I’ve been a casual fan of Weber grill since a was a kid. I feel like even when I was young I could see that some people in the neighborhood bought a new crappy grill from Walmart every summer for $150 and others bought a Weber every 10-15 years. You tell me who’s spending more on their grills? More recently I picked up what I believe to be an old Genesis Silver B with the side burner accessory and I’m going to try to restore it to its former glory, but I think that’s a conversation for another thread. M looking forward to sharing in the joy of Weber grills with the community. Thanks for taking the time to read my little into

