Steaks and Pork chops


Barrett Davidson

TVWBB Member
I've had my OTG for a little while now, and all the photo threads here have inspired me to post one of my own. I'm a newcomer to charcoal, but after my first cook I was sold. Tonight I made an effort to remember to take pics...

Steaks for the grownups.

Pork chops for the kids.

Asparagus tossed in olive oil, balsamic, S&P, and some garlic powder.

Meat on, indirect, reverse sear, I believe (a new term/technique that I now love).

Sear almost done. I put the chops up for a bit on the fat side, since we like that fat crisped up a bit.

Chops are done. Yeah, that one's a little more crisp, but the internal temp was still good. I don't mind pork a little charred on the outside.

Asparagus and corn on. Nothing on the corn, just threw it on.

My plate. Steak covered in mushrooms that were cooked in butter, balsamic, and the plate juices after the steaks rested. Tossed the corn in S&P and some melted butter.

Kid's plate. They each could only finish half a chop. They were about an inch thick, give or take a quarter inch.

Grilled some pineapple slices, and topped with vanilla bean ice cream for dessert.

I've never had this much fun grilling before with my old gas grill. Hopefully, I can continue to be inspired by you guys and post more picture threads in the future.

Thanks for looking!
Originally posted by Barrett Davidson:
Looks like I've got a bit of improvement needed in the photo posting area. I thought I had all these rotated properly. Sorry about that.

Welcome Barrett. You Nailed it! Both with Food and Pics!
Thanks, folks! This is maybe my favorite subforum because I'm getting so many great ideas for future cooks.

Last night during dinner, one of the boys was staring at me while I was savoring some of this food, and he quietly asks, "You really like your new grill, huh?" They aren't used to the entire dinner done on the grill, and I think I showed my commitment last night when the temp here in OK was 100+ and I had to change clothes before dinner having been drenched in sweat!
Originally posted by Barrett Davidson:
I've never had this much fun grilling before with my old gas grill.
Haha! Hooked another one...

Fantastic looking grub, Barrett. Welcome!
I'm making burgers tonight. My wife asked the boys what else they wanted, they both immediately asked for me to make the corn again! I'm happy to, it's simple, just thought it was funny they wanted it again so soon, especially when there wasn't much done to it.

