Steak splurge

Porterhouse steak. Lightly coated with kosher salt and pepper.
Set up the kettle with coals only on one side. Sear the meat for 2 or 3 mins each side, or until salt forms a glaze, then move over the the side with no coals underneath and cook until done to your liking. I like to combine a small chunck of apple with a small chunck of mesquite wood. Serve with baked potatoe and the green veg of you choice.
Dry aged Ribeye -just salt and pepper, then while it's resting a pat of butter (w/thyme)

With a nice lobster tail

Nothing like a little Surf and turf
The two or three best steaks I've ever grilled have been New York strips. For some reason, they just seem to work better for me than the Ribeye.

