Steak Night With Live Action Photos


John K BBQ

TVWBB Wizard
Here's some photos from last night's steak on the WSK. Menu was Prime T-bone, garlic bread & salad for two.

Here's the steak on the WSK - using the cast iron searing plate for the first time, 1 chimney of FOGO lump underneath.


Rare live action photo of yours truly.... We just got the patio sealed & haven't put the WSM back where it's supposed to go yet.


Here's the steak - almost ready to come off!

after flip.jpg

Here's Brooklyn, tennis ball ready for Mom to throw (again, and again, and again, and again) :love:


Here's the steak, medium rare & ready to share, and bottle I've been enjoying lately. I recommend Russel's Reserve 10 year.... it's good for ya!


Hope everyone has a wonderful Sunday!
That looks awesome! You nailed it.
I never splurged for the sear plate for the GBS. After decades of chasing grill marks I gave in to the cold grate grate full sear.
Looks awesome, thanks for sharing. And the dog…our Golden had spots on her tongue too. For a long time, I suspected my kids did that to her with a sharpie.

