Start a fire without chimney


Shaun H

What is the best way to light the coals if you do not have a chimney starter present?

Trying to stay away from lighter fluid, so any advice and tips?
Try some parrafin cubes. Or you could crumple some paper underneath the briqs and just light that. Or a propane torch. Anybody else?
Before the chimney, I used to wad up newspaper with some twigs under the charcoal great and light through the bottom vents...primitive, but it works.

Get a much easier.
I agree with Phil, weber starter cubes.Build a pyramid, put a few on the bottom, and in between, a sure way to get it going.
I've used the chimney as well, as I do for grilling, but nowadays I start all my wsm smokes (minion method) with my propane torch. It just seems to get the coals going faster, and I picked it up for cheap at Harbor Freight tools a few years back.
<BLOCKQUOTE class="ip-ubbcode-quote"><div class="ip-ubbcode-quote-title">quote:</div><div class="ip-ubbcode-quote-content">Originally posted by Corey Elks:
crumble up some paper towel with a little vegie oil on it. </div></BLOCKQUOTE>

I agree with Cory, take 2 sheets of paper towels and spray some pam, olive oil or corn oil. They give a nice long burn and you don't get the ashes of the newspaper. I use with my chimney as well.

I've also done vaseline mixed in really well with 4-5 cotton balls and light that up.
Briqs..Need heat i use the starter cubes in my chimney...But i start my leftover briq´s with this aswell....Lump!? A weed burner is the key! No need for MAPP use a propaine weed burner 30 sec and the lump is going on.
I use a weed burner. It's ready to cook when you let go of the trigger. Propane is good for one thing in BBQ, lighting charcoal.
sounds good guys. I have a chimney starter and love it. Just trying to get ideas for times when I'm out and without.

