Stainless steel or zinc screws on aluminum pot: corrosion free?



I am about to buy screws/bolts for a 32qt aluminum pot I just purchased at a grocery store in Gardena, CA. I noticed that my choices for screws are zinc, stainless steel, etc.

Has anyone experienced any corrosion in their aluminum pot WSM builds from using stainless steel screws? I plan on keeping my WSM build outdoors and exposed to the elements. I would just like to know whether to buy zinc or stainless steel parts to drill onto the aluminum pot.

Appreciate anyone's expert advice for a non-chemist!

I built mine with SS screws for the little bit extra in cost I think it's a better way to go especially if you ever need to take them out. The zinc issue of gases has been beat to death on both sides of it, so I won't go there.
Stainless hardware in these small sizes are not expensive so I would go stainless.
I used zinc simply because I already had a bunch of assorted sizes in my parts bin.
Your talking Galvanic Corrosion which can happen when you use two dissimilar metals. I'm not a Chemist, just a Carpenter that uses SS fasteners on commercial aluminum windows and have never had the aluminum corrode. Granted your pot is much thinner and you could always add fiber washers to both sides to avoid metal on metal.

I get what you're saying Dave, but the small amount of a nut & bolt and maybe a bracket isn't an issue with the lower BBQ temps that we use.
Now if it was a galvanized or zinc plated charcoal grate or ring, than I would suggest a good HH burn-off without any meat on.

Thanks again for the advice. I went ahead and bought SS nuts/bolts at Home Depot today. Can't wait to drill some holes and cut out the bottom. I'm hoping my jigsaw blade is enough for cutting aluminum.
Using Zinc or galvanized can be harmful to your health, It best to use stainless

While researching which materials to use on my own, (zinc/stainless/galvanized) I came to the conclusion this smoker will never get hot enough where the off gasses will become an issue. The debate is between 800 & 1600 degrees. Clearly, that's waaaay more than we'll ever be seeing. Even at those temps, the SS we all love to use is actually more harmful.

This is what sold me on it. Read the description on this grill and pay attention to what the charcoal grate is coated with. Puts me at ease with my little bitty nuts & bolts. lol
Somebody posted about using Muriatic Acid to strip the coating on zinc or galv fasteners when using them in the WSM on the old forum.
Seriously, using that sounds more dangerous than just going with what you have.
I don't worry about it at-tall:)
Edit: I forgot about the old galvanized/zinc trash-cans we used to smoke on in boy-scouts.
I'll be 56 this year and still going strong.;)

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