Stacking middle sections


Greg W

New member
I have (2) bullets and have often fantasized about stacking the middle sections together to make a magnum bullet for a massive butt smoking session this weekend.

I know they physically fit together, but does anyone have advice/experience/words of wisdom on their success in smoking with this configuration?

I'm going to be doing a lot of butts this weekend for a grad party (being held in a couple weeks) so I was thinking I could cook them all in one smokier instead of maintaining two.

Considerations I can think of:
1. Temperature ranges within the larger smoking chamber may require increased butt rotation between racks.
2. Stability issues
3. Increased fuel needs

Thanks in advance!
I guess it depends on what you consider a massive amount of butts is.
The most I've done on my 18.5" is 60 lbs or 6-10 pounders. That was 3 on each rack sideways, and my legs buckled a little when i loaded on the weight. Now if you double that amount with a double stack, then who knows how the legs might handle it.

Thank you all for your input. This is all good info.

I've got about 65 lbs, so I may be able to cram it all into a single chamber like timothy did.
do you have 18's or 22's? stuffing 65 lbs into an 18.5, will be tight, IMHO and may end up with uneven cooking (meat too close to the hot sides, less bark formation). Shouldn't be any problem fitting it all in 1 22 though. If you have the 18's, I'd fire both of them up using the Minion Method, do it as an overnight smoke and have a great night's sleep!

