Split chickens - pan or no pan?


Chris Mo

TVWBB Member
Hey all,

I've got two split chickens that I rubbed overnight with Harry Soo's rub recipe. I've got a load of lump fired up and wondered if I should use a pan or no pan. I'm thinking since it's about 26-28 inches above the coals that the fat dripping down on the coals would create a smokier more barbecue flavor rather than have the pan sit to deflect the heat. Would I have to worry about the chicken burning at this point? I'm just wondering if anyone's done it without the pan and had great success. I've tried it this way with Roadside on the lower rack, but not split halves.
I do not use the pan when cooking chickens like you describe. I start them with the ribs side down, and then flip them over onto the skin side about halfway through the cook. I agree that the drippings hitting the coals enhance the flavor. Good luck.
Thanks everyone - was pegged over 350 for about 45 minutes. Dialing down to about 325 with a hunk of apple. No pan it is! I'll try to take some pics

