Split chicken breasts -brine or no?

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I bought a huge pack of 'all natural' split chicken breasts at Sams club. It appears there is no solution or brine added. Should I brine them? If so, for how long? And what is the proper mix? I've heard kosher salt and brown sugar? What's the best for these puppies?
For chicken breast, I agree with Kevin's post, where he says, "About the only chicken I make are the boneless, skinless breasts(NOT a big poultry fan) and of course I grill them fast and quick. I did side-by-side tests with those and there is no need for any brine to keep the meat moist." Or, I also like to do them using my wife's Chicken Wings/Breast Pacifica recipe. If you really want to try brining them, you might like to try the Boneless, Skinless Chicken Breasts recipe that you will find in the Cooking Section of this Website. Another option would be to use the search function, at the top of this page, to search for 'chicken breast' and see what others have suggested. Good luck!
These aren't boneless skinless. They're bone and skin included split chicken breasts. Should I wait until my butts and brisket are done and do them at 350 in the WSM to get a crispy non-rubbery outside? I guess i'll pass on the brining.
I always try to brine poultry. But I also let it sit uncovered on a rack to let the skin dry. I feel it adds moisture to the meat and provides a nice crisp skin.

For split breasts I put my favorite rub on,let them sit in the fridge for at least 2 hours. I like to keep the temperature between 225-250 for 3-31/2 hours and they come out nice
and moist. /infopop/emoticons/icon_biggrin.gif /infopop/emoticons/icon_biggrin.gif

Norm /infopop/emoticons/icon_cool.gif
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