Rich Dahl
R.I.P. 7/21/2024
Seeing that I haven’t made chicken wings in about a year and inspired by the forum wing man (Clint) I decided to try a wing recipe I found for Spicy Apricot Chicken Wings.
Marinated the wings for about four hours.
While the wings were getting happy Barb made up a new salad Macaroni Coleslaw. Using both macaroni and coleslaw mix. Barb also grilled up some of her corn on the bone.
Overall a very good meal the wings weren’t real spicy but very flavorful, next time I’ll throw some sriracha sauce into it to warm it up a little more.
Barbs mac/coleslaw salad was excellent and is a real keeper just the way it was.
Wing ingredients
Macaroni Cole Saw ingredients
First turn
Thanks and have a great weekend
Marinated the wings for about four hours.
While the wings were getting happy Barb made up a new salad Macaroni Coleslaw. Using both macaroni and coleslaw mix. Barb also grilled up some of her corn on the bone.
Overall a very good meal the wings weren’t real spicy but very flavorful, next time I’ll throw some sriracha sauce into it to warm it up a little more.
Barbs mac/coleslaw salad was excellent and is a real keeper just the way it was.
Wing ingredients

Macaroni Cole Saw ingredients

First turn


Thanks and have a great weekend