Spend my money

digital meat thermometer (taylor 9842)
weber chimney if you don't have a weed burner or propane torch
blue bag or comp kingsford
smoke wood (chunks & chips) - hickory, apple, cherry, oak - avoid mesquite for now
a metal pan from the auto parts store to place under your smoker (~2' x 3')

some good brats
good info from the fine posters here

Welcome to TVWB

I'll second chimney and thermometers, insulated gloves are nice, tongs, brushes,spray bottles, a good outdoor radio to listen to the ball game, some kind of hood to keep the rain & or snow off you and the smoker. A light might help as it gets dark early in the winter. Beer is nice but when it's cold outside I like brandy and coffee. Awe just buy everything you can find and be done with it.
All good suggestions above.

Large and small 'steamer' foil pans from Costco/Sam's.

Stop by Harbor Freight in Benbrook and get some leather welding gloves (3pk/$8) and some neoprene gloves from HD or Lowes. The leather gloves for handling the hot metal parts. The neoprene gloves for reaching in and just grabbing the meat off the grates. (tongs? who needs tongs?)

Foodsaver for vacuum-storing the left overs.
Yep, chimney, gloves and therm. In that order. From there, work on a variety of different woods. I say that, because most places seem to only carry hickory and mesquite, along with the occasional apple.
Well, as long as I am spending your money, I would start with getting the 22. Just kidding. I would suggest just getting started and see what you would like. I haven't found many short comings yet. Good luck!
Top accessories I would recommend are (not in any particular order, because I think they are all a must)

1. Non-stick cooking spray
2. Heavy Duty aluminum foil
3. digital thermometer with 2 probes (1 for the meat and 1 for the pit)
4. grate brush
5. wood chunks (not chips)
6. chimney starter
7. a table to set beside the smoker
8. heat resistant gloves
9. tongs

Things to buy shorty after you realize you love BBQ are as follows
1. injector
2. rib racks
3. aluminum drip pans
4. lump coal
5. more varieties of wood chunks
6. latex gloves
7. large containers for marinading and brineing
8. stoker
9. rubber style brush (throw out your old hair brush)
10. vacuum sealer
Well I only started smoking meat this spring, so the list was pretty fresh in my head! A few of these items are on my wish list as well!

