Spareribs on the 14.5


Sam B

TVWBB Member
I decided to cook some spares since it's been a while since I've had ribs. A couple of friends are coming over later, so I went with two racks. Usually I use the 22.5 when I do more than one rack, but I didn't feel like firing up the beast today, so I'm giving it a try with the 14.5. It was a bit of a struggle getting everything in there. We'll see how it goes.

Cooking with Stubbs Briquettes with apple and pecan wood. Target temp is 275 to start.

Here's the prep:


Brushed with a little yellow mustard:

Rubbed. Top rack with Dizzy Pig's Dizzy Dust and bottom rack with my custom rub:

Bottom Rack loaded:

Top Rack loaded:
Kind of tight in there. Ever thought about using a rib rack? You could always lay them down (as pictured) after they shrink a bit.
A rib rack was my original plan. I usually don't have to use one b/c I do most of my ribs on the 22.5 WSM. The problem was when the ribs were in the rack on the top shelf the lid hit the ribs when I put in on the smoker. I guess I could have put the rack on the bottom rack of the WSM but that would have been a tight fit too.

I think a rack would work great for baby backs, since they aren't as tall as spares when they sit in the rack. I just didn't like how the spares wanted to flop over in the rack and touch each other.

The ribs have already started to shrink a bit and aren't pressing up against the smoker or each other as bad. It will be interesting to see how they turn out.
Bottom rack ribs ready after about 4 hours

Top rack ribs ready at about 6 hours:

Top rack ribs:


Didn't get any picks of the finished bottom rack ribs. They were from the "skinny" end of the ribs, which why I think they finished so much earlier.

All in all, no my best but still pretty good. Maybe a little darker that usual, but meat pulled away from the bone without falling apart and the flavor was good.
Sam you made some great looking ribs there. The color is perfect. I can only imagine how good they were to eat.

