Source of wagyu beef brisket?

I know wagyu is a fave for the comp crowd, but to me it seems like a waste of money. (On the other hand, I've never eaten wagyu brisket; maybe it is that great!)
I did a whole packer angus brisket awhile ago (forget what I paid from Restaurant Depot) and it was awesome! If wagyu seems a bit like too much $, try the angus. Great texture and great beef taste.
So the cook is done and the meat sampled. Overall it came out well. There is a slight difference with Wagyu but overall I think I could do just as good with Choice or CAB briskets that are available in the local supermarkets for almost 1/2 the price.

Now, for doing a contests these were nice because the flat to point ration was higher than the packers I can get locally and the directionallity of the grain was just about perfect. If trimming for a contest I could of produced 11" of flat at an 8" width. Lots of choice for what to put in a box.

Here's the link to a photo album with comments:
Local source

