Sonoma wine tasting today

Excellent day for Sonoma wine tasting. Do you know if Cline & Jacuzzi have free wine tasting? I always hit them up since they're are or were the last free tasting vineyards
Back in the day 40 years ago when we lived in SoCal Barb and I would fly up to Napa / Sonoma and spend a weekend touring the winery's.
In those days it was all free and with Barb being a corporate travel agent air fare was free along with the hotel. Really enjoyed it and tasted some excellent wines.
Excellent day for Sonoma wine tasting. Do you know if Cline & Jacuzzi have free wine tasting? I always hit them up since they're are or were the last free tasting vineyards
I don’t know. IIRC both are owned by Jacuzzi. I do have some Cline in my collection.

