Somthing you do not see every day: A brand new 2000 Genesis 1100 Redhead


Stephen R

TVWBB Super Fan
I am currently restoring my first Weber Gas grill, a 1994 Genesis 5000 'Green Machine', and as part of the process I need a few missing parts.
So I went looking for a cheap donor grill on ebay/and our version of CL.
One of the adds had a a Genesis 1100 for $60, so I had a look at that.
The photo was of a very clean looking unit, but what really caught the eye was that it had a large Weber sales sticker stuck across the front of it.
In the sales description of the add, which usually says "Used" it said "New".
The add had been up for a week or so????
Anyway I sent off an email saying I would like to buy the grill, and did not hear anything for two days, so i sent off another email,
and a very nice lady replied, saying would I like to pick the grill up on Saturday morning.
I was there at 9.00am.

The grill is brand new, it has never been turned on.

It turns out that that the owners had purchased the grill in Washington State in June 2000, assembled the grill, and then were given a surprise posting to China.
They took the grill with them, but when they got there their apartment balcony was smaller than the BBQ, so the grill went into storage.
This year they were posted to Australia, so they bought out the grill here, finally expecting to use it here.

However it seems our gas bottles and connections are a little different to USA, and they took it to a gas plumber, who told them it would cost $200 to convert to Australian spec.
So they decided to sell the 'old' grill and buy a new one, as a new one would have a warranty, which had run out on the 1100.

So now I have a few problems.
I cannot bring myself to turn the 'new' 1100 on; it is so clean.
I have nearly finished the 5000 restore, do I keep it? sell one? keep both?

Oh, I still have to find a donor grill for the few parts i am missing on the 5000.
What a find!
I would keep both, if you have room obviously. But you have to decide if all the time and effort you have put into your overhaul is worth giving it up or keeping and continue to restore. Decisions, decisions
That's incredible! I also wish OZ wasn't so far away as I'd just give you a 5000 to use as parts for your rehab.
I know a few Weber peeps down under, what do ya need?
Hi Chad,
I have actually been having a lot of fun doing the restoration of the 5000.
The people who I bought it from had owned it from new (they are now in love with the Q series- I think they have 3), but they lived overlooking the beach, and everything is pretty corroded.
The main frame I have had sandblasted back to metal, and welded up as the connecting bottom rails metal nut sections in the ends of the tubes had completely rusted out.
The main parts missing are,
the manifold clip;
the gal rails that attach to the bottom of the firebox and hold up the drip funnel (very corroded);
the drip pan holder is really corroded-the clips are just holding on;
the trivet for the side burner;
the two plastic clips that you screw the ignition panel to the frame with;
two of the plastic grommets that locate the glass doors.

The manifold has a fair bit of surface rust so I would like to get a spare.

The door fittings are corroded as well but I am yet to see if they will clean up.

I probably can get most of them from Weber Australia, but its fun trying to find a donor grill (really like to find one with a rotisserie and a smoker box).
I will give you a shout out if I get stuck, thank you for you kind offer of help.

Do you know what was the difference between the 5000 and the 5500?
gday bman
and gday stephen
another competitor in the sydney market
just shout out to me if you need any parts
i usually get better prices from weber
most i assume you will get for free with the right customer service employee

